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New Website for Nicholson1968

NWO,Illuminati,Freemasons for Dummies!


Hybrid World-The Plan to Modify and Control the Human Race!


The Lightbringers



All over the world there are people, who call themselves freemasons and believe they are spreading the light, but they are actually very much afraid of the light. This film tells about how the Emissaries of Jahbulon spread it around themselves and how it affects us.
The film is exciting excursion to some of the most powerful masonic lodges in the United States and in Europe.

Denver Airport Conspiracy..Real or Fiction?!!


Strange stuff and strange times!



What caused America to go from being a leading exporter of oil to the world’s largest importer? What are the economic and sociological forces that have contributed to that change and impede its solution?
GAS HOLE is an eye-opening documentary about the history of oil prices and sheds light on a secret that the big oil companies don’t want you to know – that there are viable and affordable alternatives to petroleum fuel! It also provides a detailed examination of our continued dependence on foreign oil and examines various potential solutions — starting with claims of buried technology that dramatically improves gas mileage, to navigating bureaucratic governmental roadblocks, to evaluating different alternative fuels that are technologically available now, to questioning the American Consumers’ reluctance to embrace alternatives.
Narrated by Peter Gallagher, hear from a wide range of opinions from representatives of the US Department of Energy Representatives, Congressional leaders both Democrat and Republican, Alternative Fuel Producers, Alternative Fuel Consumers (including actor Joshua Jackson), Professors of Economics and Psychology and more. Anyone who buys gas should see this film!

Missing Links/911

Discover the definitive truth about 9/11 and learn why even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the evidence exhaustively presented in this video.
The facts will make it abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 “Truth” movement has been infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal group who masterminded the attacks.
As they say, ‘if you want to control the dissent you lead the dissent.’ Utilizing evidence from the FBI, CIA, NSA, US Armed Forces Intelligence sectors, Foreign Intelligence organizations, local law enforcement agencies and independent investigators, Missing Links goes where no other 9/11 video has dared to.
Israel’s negative impact on America & other countries: 9/11, attack on USS Liberty, theft of state secrets, control of our government’s policies re the Middle East and much more.

State of Mind the Psychology of Control

If you don’t submit to control, if you’re a radical, you’re less likely to be loved. You’re not fitting in with society; you’re viewed as an outsider. There are a lot of social prohibitions about the outsider and the person who’s going to upset things. From the time we’re very young, we’re taught to worship authority, basically, because that’s our key to survival as young children. But as adults, we never go through the rights of passage that tell us how to methodically think for ourself, and thus we’re always in a state of extended adolescence.
We take all this stuff, whether it’s the television or it’s the inculturation, the school yards, the teachers… we take this whole system, we put it into our unconscious mind, and it is the GIGO that comes out… Garbage In, Garbage Out. We simply have harnessed our own power by accepting all these beliefs as though they are factual, whether it’s the flat earth of Columbus or it’s the idea that I’m not good enough to be or to do something I’ve dreamed to do.
To the degree that the individual loses the sense of what freedom really means for him, mind control is working. Everybody’s born into this control structure, everybody’s born into authority. Everyone’s born into the situation, but just because you have an authority making decisions for you at some point when you’re very young, too young to take care of yourself, doesn’t mean you should always cater to authority your whole life. We have established a framework which for the most part works pretty good. People enter into this contract with society. That contract allows them to follow certain rules and expect certain returns on their investment of working within the framework of the contract.
Human beings form habits. At some point in our lives, many of us realize that the lives we are living are not those which we have imagined, but rather lives reflecting others’ imaginations, as if we have been unwitting actors in someone else’s script. Can be the minds of individuals harnessed by systems of psychological control?
Are the habits reflected by human beings in direct conflict with their needs to survive and thrive in this world? The enormous implications deter many of us from asking these simple questions and finding answers relevant to our daily lives. If we don’t resist all of the different information that comes our way and weigh it and use our own mind instead of what somebody else wants us to think, eventually society would become nothing more than automatons, robots. The establishment has protected itself. Unless you submit to the saturation indoctrination and adopt all its values, you can’t get in. You can get the DVD at

Invisible Empire


Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there!

Slavery by Consent

This powerful series will attempt to not only show the deception that has been taking place, in the past and currently, as many documentaries have covered this topic before. Rather, this series will attempt to uncover the key components that will hopefully empower each one of us, to regain control of our lives, freedoms, rights and dignity, just by using the same matrix that we’re currently living in to our advantage, rather than leaving it in the hands of those who are currently calling the shots.
The NWO will not only be exposed, but hopefully dismantled. Those who keep complaining about the system, but are not willing to educate them selves, so they’re able to stand up for them selves, and others, end up empowering the same system, they’re trying to reject.
Slavery by Consent was produced and edited by Bushwack, Bushwack productions from the Wake Up Project.

Evolution vs GOD

Evolution Vs. God is a documentary trying to challenge the theory of evolution. Evangelical leader Ray Comfort, known as the bananaman, interviews evolution proponents (mostly students) from different universities in the United States and tries to expose the so called “unscientific nature” of evolution which he refers to as a “blind faith”, not science. The film tries to show intelligent design as a competing theory and suggests that the academe continues to bully intelligent design as an option. The film also aims to get some evidence for Macroevolution.
Ray Comfort uses cheap tactics to achieve his goals. He wants to “debunk” evolution, and to portray students and professors as people who can’t articulate the theory of evolution in an understandable fashion. Hi does so by rapidly asking short, trick question full of ambiguities, moral dilemmas, and scientific inaccuracies.
According to Ray (an opinion which he borrowed from the physicist Victor Stenger), the following is the reason why intelligent design isn’t taught in schools: The legal staff of Freedom From Religion Foundation (a church-state watchdog group) has had remarkable success in convincing many institutions such as school boards and town councils that they are breaking constitutional law when they sponsor sectarian activities. That includes intelligent design. When the authorities can’t be convinced, Freedom From Religion Foundation sues, and it wins more often than not.
Stunningly, Ray argues about two vestigial organs, found in humans, in order to “debunk” the theory of evolution. He discusses the tailbone and the appendix. Apparently the tailbone is an extremely important source of attachment for tendons, ligaments, and muscles and the appendix serves an important role in the fetus and in young adults, primarily in the immune functions.
Then, Ray claims that many of the famous atheists are not actually atheists. Supposedly they’ve been wrongly attributed and he supports his claim by out-of-context quoting. After some more illogical and irrelevant questions posed to students he concludes that Darwinian evolution rests on faith, and that the knowledge of God, however, is clearly seen by all mankind.

Into the Fire


Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire. World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit.
With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.
Here is one interesting comment from YT: So they spend a billion? dollars to protect 20 guys. These 20 dudes could have stayed home and used Skype or something. Meanwhile they discuss how they’re gonna take money away from the ordinary people to keep the system running.

9/11 The Road to Tyranny


The mainstream media is whitewashing and lying about what really happened on Sept 11th. 911: The Road to Tyranny is shaking the foundations of Washington, DC as the definitive film on what really happened on Sept. 11th and who stands to gain. The dark forces of Global Government are funding, training and protecting terrorist groups worldwide. In this blockbuster which has gained worldwide prestige you will learn the origins and the true story behind 9/11.

Shadow Government


This reveals how we have been incrementally conditioned over the years. It should make us realise that since this pattern of events is recorded from the earlier part of the last century, how much more will we be socially engineered in 50 years from now?
It includes the shocking story of how you unwittingly submit the most private and intimate details about every aspect of your life every single day. For example, imagine what a retail loyalty card reveals about you. Each time you scan it, a calculation of every item on your shopping list is done in order to reach the value of your discount voucher. This is an exact record of your weekly shopping routine, so it is predictable what you intend to purchase each week. This information is kept on a database somewhere alongside your photo, which is taken up 300 times per day. This loyalty card provides information on how many people you live with, yours and their daily household routines and lifestyles, your diet, your personal hygiene, your habits, your sex life and sexuality, your hobbies and interests, your job and much much more. Almost every electrical item in your home today has an RFID chip. The documents you printed off or the photos you scanned into your computer are all recorded. As soon as you walk out your front door, every step you take and where you go is on CCTV. Someone knows your home is empty.
While you do your shopping, take a look around you. How many people can you spot who are oblivious to their own surroundings? If you accidentally bump into one of them, the chances are, they won't hear you apologize, since they are cut off from the world through the earpieces, feeding junk or hazardous information to their brains.
However. You could just tell yourself that this is just paranoia, or the programmed response already in circulation, "I have nothing to hide, so I don't care".

The Book That Can't Be Read!


Men have always tried to encode secrets, military communication, love letters, forbidden knowledge, and most secret text is eventually decoded, but among all of history’s cryptic writings one stands out. It’s the world’s most mysterious book written by an unknown author in an odd alphabet and brilliantly illustrated with puzzling images. For centuries, it defies all attempts to unveil its secrets. Now, for the first time, experts analyze the ink, pigments and parchments of the Voynich Manuscript.
What secrets are hidden between these lines? Who wrote them and why? At the headquarters of the US Military Intelligence Service, experts succeeded in decoding Japan’s so called Purple Code. William Frederick Friedman, the service’s Director is one of the world’s best cryptographers. For practice between jobs, Friedman and his team decode ancient cryptic texts. One by one, the codes are cracked, but one book, The Voynich Manuscript, stubbornly defies all attempts to decode it. Unnerved, the cryptographers give up. It’s the only code they’re unable to crack.

Invisible Threat

In the summer of 2011, an outbreak of a new, aggressive strain of E.coli killed 45 people in Germany and sickened another 3,800. Egyptian fenugreek was eventually named the culprit, although how the seeds got infected was never proven. Some authorities believed it could have been an act of terrorism. And if it was, it echoed a 2008 World Health Organization (WHO) report which claimed the deliberate contamination of food as one of major global threats of the 21st century.

Do You Believe in Miracles or Magic? Series



 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay. They shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay !

Eye of the Illuminati


Eye of the Illuminati is an in depth look at the state of the world, and the agenda of secret societies and the ruling class of the developed one world government system.
This documentary was created in order to explain the origin and methods of control over the human population, studies and practices of the occult and secret societies, and how it has an effect on the way we live our lives on a daily basis.
It also explains the history of human development, psychology and religion, and how sacred knowledge has been hidden and passed on for centuries.
It attempts to explain the role of the secret society and discusses some key members of these groups and the history of the ruling class.
Much research went into this project so the information is highly compressed to form the complete picture and many varied subjects are discussed.

The UFO Enigma of Flying Spheres


Of all the various kinds of UFO related phenomena, which have materialized, the so-called light spheres certainly hold a particularly important place. These objects have recently gained greater popularity thanks, in part, to the studies conducted by Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff. According to his theory the light spheres could be the cause behind crop circles with which they have often been associated, but the spheres began to appear many years ago.
During the Second World War airplane pilots on both sides of the war reported on several occasions that they were flanked by mysterious light spheres during their missions. These spheres could execute maneuvers that would have been impossible for the pilots’ airplanes. Their many attempts to out strip the spheres and avoid pursuit were unsuccessful and, in fact, the spheres often seemed to anticipate the maneuvers of even the most experienced pilots.

Technologies of the Gods


Technologies of the Gods brings “convincing evidence” that ancient civilizations utilized high-tech engineering methods equal to, if not superior to our own and that these technologies were being applied on a world-wide level.
It has long been suspected that the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Mayan temples could not have been built using the primitive technologies attributed to those peoples by the orthodox academic view which states that primitive civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India emerged from the stone age just over five thousand years ago.
In Technologies of the Gods breakthrough researchers, writers and engineers take a look at real evidence – largely ignored by the academic establishment – which shatters the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth.

ENDGAME/Blueprint for Global Enslavement


Blueprint for Global Enslavement attempts to make a case for the idea that the governments of the contemporary world are uniting to form a new world order and enslave all of humanity, murdering 80% of the global population. Subtopics include the formation of the Bilderberg Group, the evolution of the North American Transportation Control Grid and the collapse of the USA.

The RFID CHIP is not the Mark of the Beast,its just the stepping stone!!!!!


The Masses believe the RFID Chip is the Mark of the Beast..

The Chip is just the stepping stone, but not the Real Mark!

The masses thought the World was flat..
The masses killed Christ..
The masses are wrong again!

Emperor of Hemp


This video is about a man’s fight for truth, justice and a plant. What began as a singular battle has turned into a massive movement to educate America about this environmentally beneficial plant.
Emperor of Hemp exposes government and big-business efforts to keep the plant illegal, and takes you to the front lines of the pro-hemp movement.
This is the film that contains the facts about one movement… one man… and one miraculous plant that could revolutionize the world.
The best-selling book The Emperor Wears No Clothes blew the lid off the anti-hemp conspiracy and explained all there is to know about an easy-to-grow plant with infinite, non-intoxicating uses.

Waco: Rules of Engagement


We realize that you have the ability, and it’s not below you people, to do something like to erase all evidences. Why do you have the press so far back? You can give me any kind of crap you want, I know, you know, the reason we’re not talking to the press is you people have gotta cover your butts from what you did and that’s what’s goin’ on here.
Waco: The Rules of Engagement is the first full-length documentary film to present the complete picture of the series of events outside Waco, Texas during 1993 that resulted in the shooting of 4 federal agents and the deaths of 86 men, women, and children of the Branch Davidian religious sect.
Waco: The Rules of Engagement is a highly detailed examination of the interaction between David Koresh, his members, and Federal Law Enforcement. It shows how the FBI misled the public and American political leaders in order to focus overwhelming force on a group whose diversity of race, national origin, and apocalyptic religious beliefs made its members easy targets for lethal abuse of civil and human rights.
Gripping and deeply thought provoking, the film provides America with something it truly needs – an opportunity to review the historical record of events at Waco. The findings raise doubts about the FBI’s version of the story and their larger role in similar instances of law enforcement.

Satan: Prince of Darkness

Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the Devil… known by many names, he was the once-favorite angel who fell from grace. Cast out from Heaven, he became mankind’s tormentor, vowing to destroy the creation of his former master.
From the Biblical tale of his fall to the incredible stories of those who believe they have crossed his path, join BIOGRAPHY® for a chilling journey through the long and legendary history of Satan.
Scholars, historical experts, and theologians examine classic paintings, academic texts, and modern movies for an unprecedented look at the many ways Satan has been portrayed throughout the centuries.
Satan: Prince Of Darkness paints the ultimate portrait of the face of evil, and reveals how over millennia the Devil has come to personify mankind’s greatest fears



According to the agency, there were three of four video cameras pointing at the front door that could tell you everything that happened at the front door of that building that day. They claim they can’t find a single one of them. Every one of those videotapes vanished. Waco: A New Revelation is the film that triggered a new Congressional investigation of the Waco tragedy, and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse their long-held positions on Waco. It has generated a firestorm of events unprecedented in the history of documentary filmmaking.
After six years of painstaking investigation, the complete story of the tragedy in Texas is finally coming to light. This compelling feature-length documentary presents new revelations about the events that led up to the deaths of 79 men, women and children at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993.
In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio’s film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI’s congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians. Gene CullenSince 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI’s claim is inaccurate.

The Big Picture


For every question regarding our world, there is a conspiracy theory offered from some quarter claiming to address it. These conspiracy theories number into the hundreds and they are nearly always dead ends, or at best, lead to another conspiracy and so on, ad infinitum. Even though it’s become obvious to most that something is not quite right, and that some sort of global conspiracy does indeed exist, it is still hard to see exactly what it is, and where the truth really lies.
It is time the people of the world stood up and paid heed to the urgency and importance. Yet, you say, even if one were to do so, then how do we the ordinary individual, ever get to the bottom of this? And if we do ever get to the bottom of it, then what are we to do then? And those are both very good questions.
Well, the best way to start is to get all fluoride out of your diet and gain an understanding of history. Then learn to look at each news story from a global perspective. Disregard most of what the announcer tells you to believe, and place the event where it belongs, on the Global stage. Then ask yourself that old Greek adage – Cu Bono.
Who Benefits? And more importantly, when you discover a truth, uncover a lie, or find an anomaly, tell your friends. Spread the information as far and wide as you can reach because the media most certainly will not. However the most important thing of all in order to be able to do either of the above is to be aware of your surroundings in a global sense. See the BIG Picture. (Excerpt from

Sandy Hook:The Documentary

Mark Howitt takes an investigative look into the events and controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting which happened on December 14th 2012 in Newtown Connecticut. This documentary explores several aspects and claims of details surrounding the event and is an attempt to shed some light and provide logical answers to the many questions that remain as to what happened in Newtown. Using rare news and article clips, testimonies, police audio analysis and several perspectives, it is quite clear that we are not being told the truth about what really happened. Was there others involved in the crime? Why have authorities and media provided abundant amounts of misleading information, changing the official narrative on countless occasions? These questions are being asked by a large amount of people in the public and the case is looked at in great detail to try and make sense of things and bring closure to much of the controversy in what is perhaps the biggest conspiracy since JFK.

Rise of the Drones

A documentary about the technical side of a controversial subject is always going to have to answer difficult questions, and drones are one of the most controversial subjects around

Angels and Demons Revealed!


Conspiracy theorists have long spoken of the Illuminati, believed to be a secret society with ties to the Freemasons who have been the power behind the scenes for many of the most important and chaotic events of the past three centuries. While little hard evidence of the existence of the Illuminati has surfaced since the organization was first described in the late 1700s, this documentary attempts to prove that the group not only exists, but are planning a devastating assault upon the world. Angels and Demons Revealed presents the argument that the Illuminati are involved in a widespread plot against the Catholic Church and the Vatican, and have stockpiled unusual weapons in an bid to seize control of the world's governments.

The American Dream


Entertaining AND informative.  This film is a great way to introduce people to the dangers the Federal Reserve System and how it is threatening the American Dream


Tares Among the Wheat

'Tares Among the Wheat' will likely challenge what most scholars believe about Bible history, and the origins of the current wave of new translations that have flooded churches around the world.

After the Tribulation


Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one world government and one world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely unprepared for what the Bible has warned us is coming.

A Noble Lie, Oklahoma City

 The first feature length documentary to examine the Oklahoma City bombing in the light of new and suppressed evidence that proves the official story to be false and that Timothy McVeigh was not the sole perpetrator on that terrible April 19th, 1995.

The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising!


Strap in and get ready to ride along as criminal overlords David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Alan Greenspan, John McCain, and many others are confronted about their lies and manipulation. Including interviews with Jesse Ventura, Rosie O’Donnell, George Carlin, Willie Nelson and Martin Sheen, this film is unlike anything you have ever seen. the only question after viewing it is, will you become part of the Truth Rising.
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